Additional OARS Information

Hi upper boat rowing parents,
There is a lot going on Friday, between Grandparent's Day and the kids taking off for their first away regatta. We will depart at 12:15 on Friday from the Buck on two buses. School lets out at 11:30am for Grandparent's Day. Rowers can attend, but need to be on the bus by 12:15.
Rowers not attending Grandparent's Day need to bring a bag lunch for Friday and should bring a full water bottle. We will provide a snack for the bus.
There have been questions regarding the kid's overnight bags and kid's backpacks. Your kids should bring everything with them to school. They know where to store them. Backpacks can go down with them to Orlando. You do not need to make a special trip to the school. Some of the kids do their homework on the bus or at the regattas while they are hanging out. You do not need to be there to see your kids off.
They will head down to the race site to rig and practice and then to the hotel. Dinner will be provided to them at the hotel around 6. We still need a couple of parents to help serve.
Saturday OARS-
Yesterday, the OARS race schedule was sent out. The following are all of the ESJ races.
WV8+ 8:56
MV8+ 9:17
WJV8+ 10:06
MJV8+ 10:27
W3rd 8+ 11:09
M3rd 8+ 11:30
WF8+ 2:01
MF8+ 2:36
MJV4+ 3:32
MV4+ 4:49 It looks like it's going to be a long day with a nice break between 11:30-2. The coaches want to make it easier on the rowers and have made a few decisions. Rowers rowing later in the day will be able to sleep in and show up to the race site a little later. For parents going down, Your child will be able to tell you when they are heading over so you can sleep in too.
The coaches told the rowers that after they put their boats up, they can leave. We are hoping that for those of you wanting to take off that you will stay for a few extra races to cheer some of our other boats on. I know many of you are staying the whole day.
IMPORTANT: If you are taking your kids home from Orlando, your kids must let the coaches know on the bus ride down. Kids must be dismissed by the coaches before they go home.
Hotel Notes (mainly for new rowing travelers):
For many of these kids, it will be their first time traveling and staying in a hotel room without a parent. Please remind your kids to double check their hotel room for all of their personal belongings. It never fails that a couple of kids will leave their chargers plugged in the wall or clothes on the back of the bathroom doors.
Please put their names on everything; unisuits, jackets, chargers, water bottles, and inside sneakers. There are a number of kids with the same shoes. Please tie something to the outside of their bags, so they can be identified easily. A luggage tag or ribbon works great. Kids tend to grab the wrong bags.
The coaches check on the kids and stay on the same floors.
Volunteers for regatta:
We still need volunteers for the regatta.
If you are heading down on Friday and plan to get there around 5, please signup to help with the pasta dinner. There isn't a lot to do and you get to visit with the kids.
If you are heading down to watch your kids in the first few races, please help with the site setup. We need to get the tents up and the food out for our kids right away.
If you're going to the races and plan to watch them, can you volunteer to update the race board? We are simplifying things and won't have a hospitality tent, just the race board.
If you've told me that you can stay and help, please indicate it on the signup genius.
Thanks for everyone's help. It should be fun. Your kids are going to have a great time. Let me know if you have any questions.
Kim Sievert
Rowing Parent Coordinator